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Business Grow System

Week 21

  1. Create first Lead Magnet Routine | TOPIC 1

ADMIN NOTE:  Use insights from your buyer persona research to craft a new free lead magnet

Key Take Away

The Purpose

A lead magnet is usually a one-time offer for a one-time-only opportunity. A lead magnet give you something to share as your Call To Action. “Get This Free eBook on Top Answers To Your Problems Shared By The Experts”. To get the lead magnet, they have to give you their information. The more valuable the Lead Magnet the more information they will be willing to give.

The Reason This Matters

A lead magnet gives your audience a timed response to act, which shrinks the “trust clock” for this one time. If they like what you give them and it helps them with their problem, the “trust clock” will stay at the new level or even close the gap further to full engagement.

How This Will Benefit Your Organization

A lead magnet will give your organization an opportunity to show value to your audience and allow you to prove you are who you say you are and build rapport and increase the chance for further transactions and engagement.

Who Should Do This

Your marketing department could identify areas an audience opportunity. Working with your engineers or service providers in conjunction with sales and marketing would lead to a cohesive well planned and utilized lead magnet.

How Long To Allocate For This Task

Now that you have some data and a description for your new Buyer Persona, your lead magnet should take on a new level of engagement.

It could still take as little as a week but should not take more than a couple of weeks to complete

You should already have some good starting points for the material or the offering and the value estimated by the audience’s needs.

Action Steps

Here are some types of lead magnets:

  • Infographics
  • eBooks
  • Guidebooks
  • Check Lists
  • Templates
  • Samples
  • Assessments
  • Whitepapers
  • Trial Subscription
  • Webinar
  • Videos
  • Free Training
  • Case Studies
  • Quizzes/Surveys/Polls

Compare: What is different about this lead magnet and the first lead magnet? You should see drastic improvements in the offer’s specificity and problem-solving guarantees.

Track: Compare the response from this lead magnet and your first lead magnet.

A/B Testing with a single difference in offer or upfront contract verbage


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  • Building A StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customer Will Listen, Donald Miller
  • Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step StoryBrand Guide For Any Business, Donald Miller, Dr. JJ Peterson
  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth
  • Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build The Future, Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
  • Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, Michael Hyatt
  • 12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build A Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur, Ryan Daniel Morgan